We offer complete architectural services in addition to individually tailored services for those clients not needing the involvement of a full service firm. In order to help our clients understand the ideal process that we undertake in the design of a project, we have put together a description of each of the critical steps in the process: Phase One: Schematic Design- Sit and talk about desires and expectations, discuss room sizes, features and details. Show pictures, exchange ideas- create something for both parties to chew on. Obtain any measured documents that may exist. Initiate discussions regarding costs and budget. Begin zoning/building code research and document review times. Make simple preliminary drawings and models for discussion and approval. At the end of this phase, there will be a Schematic Design presentation where the final model will be presented along with final schematic plans and elevations. We do not move out of this phase until everyone is satisfied with the basic design configuration of the project. Phase Two: Design Development- Firstly, submit the Schematic Design drawings to a few general contractors for rough pricing. Take the information that is gathered from the Schematic Design meetings and revise them to reflect revised design ideas and the cost estimates prepared by the general contractors. Zoning and building department information begins to play a more active role here. Provide manufacturers’ information on certain products and materials. Begin looking at certain finish options that will affect both price and details. Client input is very critical and we will work together here to produce a scheme which we are all pleased with. The drawings will begin to take on a very real quality about them as they start to become more finite and “possible”. At the end of this phase another “final” set of drawings will be prepared which reflect all previous information, changes and ideas. Phase Three: Construction Documents- These documents are prepared for both the local building department and the contractors who will bid on the project in the next phase. In addition to drawings, we also prepare written specifications that spell out the quality and quantity of the work as well as the manufacturers of the products that we want tobe incorporated in the project. Phase Four: Bidding and Negotiation- During his phase the drawings are delivered to a number of contractors for pricing. Inevitably, numerous questions need to be answered and the pricing needs to be analyzed prior to the contract being signed. We make sure that the bidders all understand what we are asking for and the level of quality we expect from them. In the end, this phase of the work brings the “correct” contractor to the client through a competitive process. Value, quality of workmanship, schedule, reputation and passion are utilized to make the proper decision for each client. Phase Five: Construction Administration- During construction, we observe the performance of the trade sub-contractors. We try to achieve performance from the trade contractors that is consistent with industry standards and we make recommendations for courses of action to the owner when requirements of the trade contracts are not being met. We also advise the owner of any necessary or desirable changes to the Construction Documents and review all change orders/modifications to the Construction Documents requested by the owner. When retained to provide ‘full services” we actively follow the project to its conclusion and makes sure that you, the owner are pleased with the results. Technical Consulting: Our background enables us to professionally advise on a variety of technical issues that include flat roof technology, window systems, wall systems, etc. for both architects and owners. Consultation has included review of other architects working drawings and site inspections of existing conditions.